Watch the horizon
For all children who have suffered a long separation due to the totalitarian regime.
In a small valley below the Red Mountains, where the longest river flowed in the region, two forests lined up. The Great Forest Kingdom, which stretched along the western side of the valley. The small forest that was so called because it was really small. It did not mean, however, that it was not important. Like in other forests, there were many trees and plants in it. Many animals has found a home here. Satisfied and in peace next to themselves for years, they lived together and cared for a small forest. Nearby there were a few ponds, a river and the feared Eastern Red Mountains. There was a great evil beast named Grim. He had on his side all the dark animals, from ticking over wolves to eagles. Grim was greedy and would like to rule the whole world. But in these days, peace ruled in the region, because after a recent defeat with the Forest Kingdom, the Grim hid in his mountains.
When the spring came, the Little Forest began to come alive. All animals were expecting their kids. The exception was not even the nightingale. One young nightingale couple was particularly fond of this spring. It was the first spring when they were expecting offspring. They waited for long months and eventually their only son, Henry, was born. Parents loved Henry very much and he loved them. Mother cared for him day and night, and Henry grew and grew. He was
a keen and inquisitive boy. He enjoyed most of all when he learned to fly and saw the Earth from above. Often he also trained and jumped from a variety of stump and rock down.
He had always returned home to the nest that was under the tallest tree, all broken and dirty from the discovery of the forest. Before bedtime, he wondered when his parents would teach him to fly. When you have feathers, Henry's parents answered. It did not take long and one day the first feather finally appeared.
"In a while I'll be able to fly, Mom, look ... like this", said Henry. And waving his wings when he got tangled and fell.
"Au! Oh no, I ripped it! "
"Don't you worry, you won’t die. Go to bed and there will be a lot of others to grow, "Mom said.
"Then I will be able to fly?" Henry asked.
"Yes, then we'll finally teach you to fly, yet you have to be careful not to lose us."
"Do not worry, Mom, I will never lose you!” Henry said. Mother looked at him
a little worriedly and said softly, "Do you know that when a bird feels the first feather, he can make a wish?"
"So I wish I could always find you,” Henry said, turning in to a small feather ball.
"That's a great wish, and now, good night!"
That night, the whole forest made a great noise. Henry squinted with his eyes and did not know what was going on. But the parents knew it. Forest attacked Wolves and Eagles from the Eastern Red Mountains. The Grim's lust to rule was back and wanted to connect at least the Little Forest to its territory. The wolves intertwined trees and left behind a terrible trigger. No one who had come in their way could survive. It was only a matter of time before they hit nightingale nest. The eagles began to occupy the entire sky so that no one could fly away.
"We have to fly!" Mr. Nightingale said, packing food and the most urgent things.
“Henry, we're flying!" Called Mrs. nightingale. However, only half of the feather needed for fly had grown. He has made only a few big jumps so far. And he never climbed higher than a bit above the ground. Mrs. Nightingale then took Henry to her back and all three rose to the sky. But they were heavy, so they were flying very low, just cutting off the branches of the bushes. At that moment
a group of wolves appeared behind them. They breathed them on the back and Mr. Nightingale faster the flight, Mrs. Nightingale, with the last effort also. Henry saw what was happening, and he felt fatigue in his mother's wings. They could not make it, the edge of the forest was far away. There was no time, and Henry knew what would happen when he caught his mother. He hugged her firmly and whispered, "Watch the horizon. Then he set off, fell to the ground and rolled into the bushes. His mother waved for her life. At the moment when Henry jumped, her wings lifted up sharply up to the sky, and Wolf's claws just passed her.
The nightingale found themselves high and out of the forest. Mr. Nightingale immediately noticed that Henry was missing, and in a horrified voice he asked,
"Where is Henry?”
"He jumped down!” Mrs. Nightingale called in alarm. They fluttered back, but the sky was already full of Orly and the Wolves. They had to stay where they were. Tired of flying and sadness, they sat down on the first tree of the edge of the Forest Kingdom. Their gaze leaned toward the Small Forest.
In the meantime, Henry hit the ground. He could quickly cover himself with
a sheet so that he could not be seen by a bunch of wolves running around.
He waited until dusk and set out on the road. He did not know where he was going or on what side. He went and went, and met a small chick in it. But he was different from him. It was brown and had a broken wing. Reconciliation with his destiny was ready to die.
"Who are you?" Henry asked. "I'm a falcon Tomas," the other bird replied. "What's wrong with your wing, Tom?" "It's probably broken. Eagle hit me and now I can not fly home. Would you take me to your home? Is cold, dark, and it hurts, "Tomas whispered, and a flicker of hope flared in his eyes.
"I do not have a home and can not fly yet. I do not think I can survive myself for
a long time. But I can help you find your home, “Henry offered, helping Tomas to get up.
And so they set off on their way. They went all night until morning when they arrived at the little ruin of the castle in the middle of the forest. There was a falcon family. They were happy that their son returned home. For help, they offered to Henry that he could stay.
"I can not stay, I have to learn to fly quickly and then find my parents," Henry replied sadly.
"Stay, and when my wing heals, then I teach you how to fly. At least I owe it to you, "said Tomas, who was very fond of Henry. So Henry stayed and after a while he began to learn to fly.
The summer was coming to an end. The autumn began.
"I think I'm ready." Henry flew up over the clouds and looked away.
"You fly fairly for such little birds," Tomas teased him.
"And don't you want to stay here? You are like my brother, I will miss you. "
"Me too, but I gave a word. I have to go back to my parents, or at least I have to try, “Henry said, looking away.
"Do you see where the sun fits? There they are. I know they're waiting for me. "
"But is it the beginning of the winter, what if they were flying south with the other birds, and you would stay alone? In the winter you will frieze, "Tomas urged.
"They did not fly away, I am sure.” It was a dangerous plan, the Eagles still guarding the sky. Birds knew they should not be so high in the clouds now.
But Henry felt he must fly. He said goodbye and went on a long journey.
He knew that sooner or later the Wolves would capture his smell and Eagles would hear his quick flight. He only hoped he would be far enough to get out of the woods. Indeed, he had heard them behind them, and there was not much time. He climbed down into the trees and began to squeeze between the branches. The eagles were too big and began to hit the branches. He flew like never before, hoping he would be fast enought. Right, left, down and up, QUICKLY!
Black clouds came over the forest, and heavy rain started. It was dark, and all the animals got into their hiding places. The raindrops dropped sharply on the crowns of the trees, and the last leaves fell to the ground. There was silence, and another dreadful night was coming to an end.
Henry’s parents sat on the branch of the tree at the edge of the tree, each day, watching the horizon.
"The winter is coming, we must fly to the hot regions, otherwise we will freeze," said Neghtingale sadly, but worried. Mother, however, kept her eyes off the horizon and replied:
"I hear the wings of his wings, but the horizon is empty."
"We've been waiting for a long time, I guess there's no more hope. He could not fly and stayed alone. "
"Hope is the last one to leave. We'll wait until tomorrow, "she urged again.
They got up early in the morning, prepare their feathers and flew to the sky.
Mr. Neghtingale promised to come back in spring, but Mrs. Neghtingale did not want to. She knew that there would be no hope after winter. So they took off and did not want to look back. At that moment, she heard a flutter of bird wings.
"We hear him again, we fly faster." They flew faster, but the sound grew stronger and closer ...
The last time she looked back at Little Forest with the sound of the wings, but this time it was not empty
Watch the horizon
Written and illustrated by Katka Javůrková