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We all know a story that begins where this one ends. 

In the far far away land a family of mosquito lived. They had a lot of children,

and as it is with mosquitoes, instead of their names, they had their numbers.

The oldest mosquito was mosquito1 and it was like that till the youngest mosquito 2536. But they had one more sibling. Her name was Cula. You’re probably wandering what kind of name is that. The mosquitoes are not born as humans, they are born from eggs that become larvae and the larvae changes in to pupa and pupa in to hood and the mosquitoes will hatch from it. They do not have any birth hospitals everything is happening in standing waters somewhere in the shade.


It all began when Cula was still a larva in a small pond in the middle of a forest. One cold summer evening a wind was blowing and on the surface of the pond the leaves began to fall, creating small waves that were spreading in all directions to the edges of the pond. The lake seemed calm and empty, but it was not so. Thousands of mosquito like Cula were resting beneath the surface. One such wave of the falling leave took her away from her siblings, hiding her beneath the water lily. About three days later, all the larvae changed into pupa and began to hatch. It was a long day full of chaos. They were getting their numbers from the oldest to the youngest. When it seemed that everyone is there Cula had arrived on her handmade boat from leaves. She seemed crazy, ugly, she was late and annoing. But it was because she already has come a long dangerous way to get to the others. But sisters and brothers did not care. They just did not like her since then. And because nobody new where she come from and what number she should get they named her CULA (Crazy, Ugly, Late, Annoing).


She spent all her time in her lab under the stump. She was very clever and that did not help her to be more popular. Cula tried to integrate with her siblings a few time but it just did not work. She began to strangle and enjoy another activity.

She spent all her time in the shade beneath the stone where she made her lab. She was very interested in chemistry. Her dream was to create fake blood, so that she would not have to fly to people and dig them. Mosquitoes eat nectars from plants, but mosquito girls once in a while have to suck blood from animals or humans. The only one who liked Cula was her mum Mrs. Mosquitoes34.

Cula used to talk and talk about her inventions. Although her mother did not understand them very much, she liked to listen. Her daughter was good and was not spoiled as her sisters and brothers. Cula was very fond of their mother because she taught her subject from which Cula get 5 in mosquito school such as: Suction rate, depth of stab, unnoticed escape, work Safety. Not because she was angry at her, but because Cula had to start hunting one day anyway to not starve herself, and she did not want anything happen to her.


One day when Cula was just flying on a meadow to eat a bit of nectar she came across with a group of her sisters. That was the worst option, the brothers did not care about her, they did not bite people, and they were not interested in anything more than chasing nice mosquito girls on the meadow or playing mosquito football. When Cula saw her sisters she tried to avoid them but it was too late. They saw her and they started to sing mocking songs. Cula was used to that, but on that day she became upset and started to defend herself. Let me be, at least Im am not stupid like you and I do lot of things better than you. They were arguing for a good hour when sisters start to whisper something to each other. Well, well, if you think you can do things better than what we do. If you fly into the village to the black house and you bite the old man who lives there than we leave you alone forever. Cula knew how dangerous it was. The old man from the black house was the terror for all the mosquitoes. There was a trap on every corner, and those who tried to fly in never returned. She knew she should not go, but the fact that her sisters would stop bothering her was too nice to resist. And so she said yes, and they all flew to the black house.


The others stopped in a safe distance and let Cula go in. Various lights were lit up everywhere around the house. Cula knew she had to avoid them or they gonna burn her. It did not bother her, worse were those traps that were not seen but you could feel them. And when the mosquito felt them it was mostly too late. Oh, those human evil inventions, all those sprays, fires and repellents. How many mosquitoes had to pay for they carelessness by life, and just for a drop of blood. These people are so selfish, they have 4 liters and are making a scene about every drop. Cula took all the courage she had in her little body and she flew.

It did not take long and she was out of sisters sight.


At that moment they panicked knowing what a terrible thing they did. A few of them flew back into the woods for help. In the woods, they founded Mrs. Mosquitoes34 and she did not hesitate and flew as quickly as possible to save Cula. She knew it might be too late, but she had to try. Without thinking, she was on the porch of the black house and began to call Cula. It would sound like humming sound to people, but she called Cula’s name from the top of her airbags. But in vain, Cula was already somewhere deep inside the house looking for the old man. So she flew right in to look for her daughter. Everyone stood scilently and waited for what was going to happen. They waited and waited.

It was probably not that long, but it seemed to be an eternity. Suddenly the door opened, and there was an old man, screaming and cursing with all his power. Here you go, you will get what you asked for. I will kill you. He clap the hands very hard and then he he wiped his pants. Ha, I have you you bloody insects. You don’t! buzzed Cula and smiled while flying away. I’m going to burn you, I’ll cut you all down. Cula was far ahead of him and flew straight to the sisters with the full stomach of the old mans blood. She was happy and full of strength like never before.


When Kula arrived, they were still staring at the porch of the house as if they were waiting for her. Now you don’t have anything to say don’t you!? I’m here! hallo, can you not see me? Now you will finally leave me alone. But something was wrong. Sisters were standing still as frozen. There was a grave silence that broke up someone in the back row. We thought you would not survive, so we called for help. Cula did not understand. Who you called, she asked. So who? But she realize. The old man was not after her. When he said I have you he was not talking about her .And then knew who the old man had. Who he caught. Cula filled with anger as never before, blood pumping in her belly so she started to look scary. She turned to sister. How could you let her go in there? Did you call her? How could you not do anything to safe her! I’ll destroy you, it’s your fault!

But they all took their legs on their shoulders and flew as far as they could.


Since then, Cula has done anything else but wondering how she would avenge to her sisters and old men who took her only friend, her mother away. She spent all the time in the lab making potion. It was not time for sadness. She wanted to be big, she wanted to be powerful. She wanted all the people and all the mosquitoes in the neighborhood to be afraid of her. She took the old mans blood and experimented with it. After two days which is very long time for mosquito Cula still could not find the right formula for the potion, and it did not seemed like she ever would. But her anger was not about to stop, nor her work. One day

a loud and big explosion with strong red light across the forest. All the creatures began to run to the lab to look what had happened. But what they saw was terrible. Cula was no longer a good little mosquito, but a bad human. She managed to do what she wanted. And now her goal was clear, to find men from the black house and sisters and avenge. Then everyone will be afraid of her.

But who would be afraid of the terrible Cula. She had to find a new name, a name that will be written in history, the name everyone will be afraid of and no one laughing at. So Cula became Dracula. She did not have to look for a long time, she knew the smell of the old man blood too well and would recognized it for hundred miles. She just feared the old man was still alive. The old man was old and old mosquito like that would not survive for two days, but we know that two days are not that long for a people. She stood in front of the black house, breathed in and felt it! The blood, the revenge and it was still fresh. 

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